Picture Perfect BGG 

Prateleira     ZD3  

How do you take the perfect picture of a group of people if you only have one try? Each character has different wishes. Some want to be at the front of the picture; some want to stand next to another; and some really don't want to be next to that one particular person by any means. Do your best to make everyone happy – even if you don't actually know all the characters' preferences…

In Picture Perfect, first released as Der Perfekte Moment, you need to arrange fourteen characters to take the perfect photograph. Each of them has three specific desires that you want to fulfill. Unfortunately, these desires are hidden in envelopes.

During the game, the players try to take a look inside these envelopes to figure out how to place the characters correctly. To do so, they trade their information with others — or maybe try to hide it...

Whoever earns the most points at the end of the game has fulfilled the most desires and becomes the master photographer.

2 - 4

50 - 90 min

Anthony Nouveau

Ronny Libor, Sören Meding , Gyula Pozsgay , Maja Wrzosek

The Perfect Moment, Der Perfekte Moment , Le Cliché du Siècle , Clic, el momento perfecto , Foto Perfeita

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